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Bishop's Move the Archbishop of Canterbury-elect.

30 Jan 2013

Bishop's Move the Archbishop of Canterbury-elect.

The Archbishop of Canterbury-elect, Justin Welby, has picked the right removals company for the job - Bishop's Move.

We are honoured to have been appointed to handle this prestigious and notable relocation. Located on the South of the Thames on Lambeth Palace Road, Lambeth Palace has been a building of great history and British tradition since the 13th century. It will be a privilege of the removal men and indeed our company to ensure the Bishop of Durham enjoys an easy transition into his residence and play a small part in history.

The entire move will take approximately a  week, and involves 12 men plus 4 removals vans.

The public has shown great interest in the move, with some great snaps taken and shared on Twitter.

Photo tweeted by Phil Harris (@phileasphil) Photo tweeted by Sarah Knapton (@sarahknapton) Photo taken by Bob Griffin

If you see us at Lambeth Palace, let us know on Twitter (@BishopsMove_) or Facebook.