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Happy Australia Day from Bishop's Move.

26 Jan 2013

Happy Australia Day from Bishop's Move.

Today, the 26th January, is Australia Day (previously known as Anniversary Day, Foundation Day, and ANA Day) - the official national day of Australia. On this day, Australians commemorate the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788 and the proclamation at that time of British sovereignty over the eastern seaboard of Australia.

Moving to AustraliaIf you are thinking of relocating to Australia, then get in touch with us. Last year we undertook numerous moves to Australia, as well as some mvoes from Australia to the UK. So we know what we are doing.

Bishop's Move can help you organise every expect of your move to Australia from export packing, marine insurance, immigration advice, visa and currency help. Plus we can arrange for one of our affiliate removal companies in Australia delivery your items direct to you new Australian home - whether it's in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney or somewhere in the Outback.

So even if you are just starting to think about moving to Australia, get in touch with your local Bishop's Move branch for some expert removals advice on 0800 107 8422.