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How to Prepare a Moving Day Survival Kit

16 May 2017

How to Prepare a Moving Day Survival Kit
Moving to a new home can be one of the most stressful experiences of your life and moving day is the peak of your stress.

It is important that your move goes well so that you can quickly settle into your home and get back to your normal routine. There can be plenty for you to worry about, especially if you are moving to a new area you will also be concerned whether you have made the right move, however, one of the ways that you can make your removal day less stressful is by putting together your own moving day survival kit.

We have come up with a guide on how to prepare a moving day survival kit that can help you to enjoy a stress-free moving day.

Think about the essentials

With all of your belongings packed up and sealed in boxes, you will probably not want to go through everything and unpack as soon as you arrive in your new home. That’s why it is important that you pack some essentials in your moving day survival kit so you’re not rummaging through your belongings. If you are moving far away then you will want some home comforts to make sure you can settle into your new home. Think about packing a change of clothes, maybe something more comfortable, and other essentials like toilet paper.

We strongly recommended setting aside one box with essential items, such as the kettle, a couple of mugs, biscuits and tea bags or coffee. You can also pop cleaning cloths, loo roll, hand soap and other necessary items in and keep it with you so it's available on arrival at our new home.

Pack an essentials box


Raid the kitchen

You will want to pack some items from the kitchen in your essentials kit before moving into your new home. It is likely that you will have a long day ahead and you won’t want to unpack your boxes to find some kitchen essentials when you arrive. Some things you should pack in your moving day survival kit include:

  • Paper plates - so that you can easily have something to eat when you arrive
  • Bottled water - in case your water isn’t switched on so you have something to drink
  • Cutlery - a few forks or some disposable cutlery is easier to carry and you can still have a proper meal
  • Food - take some convenient provisions such as bread and jam/spread so you have something to eat in the morning

easy food when moving


Prepare for your bedroom

Another area of the home that you should pack some essentials for and prepare is the bedroom. You will most definitely be tired after a long day of moving so you won’t want to spend ages looking for your bedroom essentials. Some of the things you might want to consider packing for easy access are:

  • Bed linen - so you can quickly make up your bed and sleep in it comfortably
  • Phone chargers - to make sure your device is charged the next morning
  • Change of clothes - so that you can get dressed the next morning and start the unpacking
  • Cleaning supplies - a duster or some wet wipes should do the trick in case the room is dirty

Don't forget your phone chargers when moving home


For the journey

You should also prepare a survival kit for the journey on moving day so that you have everything you need.

  • If you have a long journey then you should take some snacks so that you don’t have to stop along the way and you are not starving.
  • If you have young children then make sure you take something to entertain them, such as an iPad or another device they can watch something on or play a game. Soft toys can also be good for younger children as these are good for comforting them.
  • If you have very young children then make sure you take baby changing supplies and plenty of spare clothes so you don't get caught out!

Also, plan your journey so that you arrive at your new home before the removal van and crew to prevent any unnecessary delays. Also please bear in mind that a large vehicle might not be able to drive the same route as you are taking due to bridges and narrow lanes.

Plan your journey to your new home so you arrive before the removal van

Moving can be a stressful experience but if you prepare a moving day survival kit then you can help to reduce the stress on the day. One way that you can also take a load off is to hire a moving company to take care of your removal. Bishop’s Move has over 165 years of experience in moving people and can provide the perfect removal plan to meet your needs. 

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you.