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How to re-use Cardboard Moving Boxes for Gardening
06 Apr 2020

How to re-use Cardboard for Gardening
If you have recently moved with us and are planning to spend some time in your new garden, there are lots of ways in which your cardboard moving boxes can help. Cardboard can be used to create fantastic compost, kill pesky weeds and even to actually grow your vegetables in!
Cardboard for Compost
All of our cardboard boxes are sourced from natural materials and therefore ideal for re-using in the garden, just make sure you remove any tape before your start. Simply shred cardboard in to smaller pieces and place in your compost bin. You can even make a simple compost bin from one of our larger cardboard boxes, just make a few holes in the bottom and start layering up with grass cuttings, kitchen waste, leaves, plant cuttings and any other organic matter.
Cardboard for Killing Weeds
If you are preparing a new vegetable patch or just need to kill off the weeds in your existing bed, placing cardboard flat over the top of the area. This method is called sheet mulching.
In the same way cardboard can be placed around a plant to prevent it from being choked by weeds.
Cardboard for Paths
You can also use flat cardboard to lay out your path and set your pavers or stones on. The cardboard will bio-degrade into the soil below, leaving your path nicely laid out.
Cardboard for Containers
Our cardboard boxes can also make great temporary containers and are an easy and cost-effective way to be an eco-friendly gardener. The smaller boxes are ideally for planting seeds in, simply fill with compost, plant your seeds and either plant out when ready or actually plant the box itself. It will decompose in the ground whilst giving your seeds some protection to grow from other plants and their roots.
Alternative you can try growing potatoes in one of our bigger boxes. Simply keep covering the potatoes new growth as normal, and once ready cut away one side of the box to harvest.
Feel free to share your green finger successes with us by posting a pic on our Facebook page or Tweet us using the hastag #BMboxes – and happy gardening!