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Tackling Your Winter Wardrobe

07 Dec 2020

Tackling Your Winter Wardrobe
Tackling Your Winter Wardrobe

Changing seasons means changing wardrobe, and when you’ve had a long summer relying on sundresses and shorts, it’s not always the easiest feat to organise and make room for your winter selection. Unorganised spaces have also been proven to create unnecessary stress, by decluttering you can reduce anxiety. So, what’s stopping you? To help you out, we’ve put together some top tips to help you arrange your wardrobe for winter.

Clothing Clear Out

Who doesn’t love a good clear out? Out with the old in with the new! It’s the best place to start when tackling and organising your winter wardrobe.  

Go through every item in your wardrobe. This may mean that you need to empty it out completely, chuck your clothes onto the bed and have a real look at what you own. Then, allocate every item to one of the following options:

  • Keep – going to be useful in winter keep it around!
  • Store – not needed this season? Put it into storage!
  • Sell/Donate – don’t see this item making a comeback? Remove it completely!

More often than not, you may have forgotten about a hidden gem lurking in your wardrobe that would be perfect for your winter wardrobe.

Remove your non-winter clothes. It sounds obvious, but it makes a huge difference. You can store your summer clothes in a separate place entirely, or simply move them to the back or side of your wardrobe, getting them out of sight and mind as much will help you focus on your winter wardrobe.

Organise by Category and Colour

Try organising your clothes by category and colour, this will give you a better understanding of what you need to keep in your winter wardrobe, and what you can move to storage. Do you really need 4, or 5 similar black jumpers in your wardrobe? Probably not… but you may not even notice unless you organise the items by category and colour. This will also look fantastic, and eliminate unnecessary time looking for clothes when trying to get ready. 

  • Organise by category – arrange your clothes into t-shirts, jumpers, coats, etc.
  • Arrange by colour – why not arrange your clothes by colour within their categories.

Shoe Storage

Do you keep your shoes within your wardrobe? Then it is vital you use this space efficiently. You may be harbouring shoes that are exclusively for summer in your wardrobe, that are still taking up space throughout winter. Why not remove them from the wardrobe and store them elsewhere? That way you can make room for your favourite winter boots.


Now your wardrobe is taking shape with the winter essentials and you have started the organisation process, it’s important to purchase the right equipment for your wardrobe. Think About some matching hangers, or even some storage boxes to keep at the bottom of your wardrobe. Having the right accessories for your wardrobe will ensure that you make the very most of the limited space available.