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Top Tips for Securing your Home
06 Sep 2016

Home security is a prevalent issue in today’s society and is one of the highest priorities for any homeowner. The need to secure our homes has become even more of an issue with the rising number of valuable items that we have in our possession.
It is likely that most modern homes will include a number of expensive gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets, computers and much more. That’s not to mention all of our other personal belongings such as jewellery and items of sentimental value. It’s not only the items of value either; it’s the feeling of safety and security in your own home that is invaluable. For all of these reasons, it is important that you make sure your home is secured. We have put together some top tips to help you make sure that your home is safe.
Assess your home
One of the first things you should do when securing your home is to assess it for any potential weak spots. This includes anywhere that a thief could gain access to your home from the outside. There are plenty of spots in your home that could be seen as a weak spot and these are the areas that an opportunist would look for. If you have a garage then you should make sure that it is secured with a proper lock as this can often be a place of easy entry. You should also make sure that windows are secured and ensure that they are double glazed. All of the entry points in your home should be secured with a sturdy lock.
Exterior and Bushes
Something that people don’t often consider when securing their home is things like the foliage and shrubbery surrounding their property. This can be important when it comes to security as bushes provide cover and places to hide for potential burglars. This is especially the case if you have a lot of foliage close to windows or other access points to the house. It can be inviting for any opportunist thieves that are looking to break into a home. Make sure that the bushes and shrubbery around your home are trimmed so that it doesn’t provide too much cover.
Another way to keep thieves at bay is to use deterrents in your home in order to discourage an opportunist. Using sensor spotlights on the front and rear of your property can be a great deterrent as the would-be thief will be in full view of the entire street. A bright light can also attract the attention of neighbours or those nearby. Having your inside lights on a timer can also be an effective way of deterring burglars. Opportunists will likely target houses that look like there is nobody home, so if you are away and all the lights are off that’s a tell-tale sign. You can also buy dummy sirens fairly cheaply that make it look like your home is alarmed.
Alarm System
Alternatively, you may want to think about investing in an actual alarm system if you are worried about household security. Modern alarm systems are highly effective and won’t actually break the bank. It is important to make sure that every access point to your home is connected to the alarm system in one way or another. This can include motion sensors and window or door contact alarms. Storing the valuables that you don’t use on a daily basis in a safe is also another great safety measure that could protect your belongings. Coupled with a household alarm system you can be sure that your belongings are safe.