Moving home with the kids

Moving home with the kids

Moving home can be the most exciting event to happen in a child’s life, but it can also have its stresses and worries.

Whatever the age of your child, they may have mixed feelings about moving house, especially if it means moving schools and leaving friends behind or simply whether their new bedroom will be larger than everyone elses!

The packing and planning can seem to daunting to even the most laid back of people. The stress of relocation effects everyone. Alongside the decisions over packing, storage and logistics, all parents will face a number of difficult questions:

How will the children feel about leaving their friends?

How will they feel adjusting to a new school?

What about their feelings regarding leaving the only place they might know as home?

With over 170 years experience in removals, Bishop’s Move has some simple but effective advice to help those relocating with children enjoy a calm and stress free move.