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Moving home with the kids

Moving home can be the most exciting event to happen in a child’s life, but it can also have its stresses and worries.
Whatever the age of your child, they may have mixed feelings about moving house, especially if it means moving schools and leaving friends behind or simply whether their new bedroom will be larger than everyone elses!
The packing and planning can seem to daunting to even the most laid back of people. The stress of relocation effects everyone. Alongside the decisions over packing, storage and logistics, all parents will face a number of difficult questions:
How will the children feel about leaving their friends?
How will they feel adjusting to a new school?
What about their feelings regarding leaving the only place they might know as home?
With over 170 years experience in removals, Bishop’s Move has some simple but effective advice to help those relocating with children enjoy a calm and stress free move.
Children need Security
Children at an early age like to feel safe. It is imperative that they know what is going on around them. The sight of their belongings being packed away can be distressing. Bishop’s Move suggests getting the children involved as much as possible, from getting them to assist with the packing or letting them watch the van being loaded and unloaded. Such simple steps will go a long to easing their anxiety.
Here are some great books for your children to read before moving.
Saying ‘Goodbye’ isn’t a Bad Thing
To ensure the kids are happy during the moving process, get them to make a scrapbook of their old home, pictures of friends and favourite memories. Upon arriving at the new home, arrange for a children’s party involving games with the new kids in the area. This is a great way to say goodbye and at the same time start to feel comfortable in the new home.
Remember their Friends
For the slightly older children, leaving their peer group will often change their behaviour. The idea of making new friends in a new area will also seem daunting and cause them anxiety. Arrange for one of these friends to visit them in your new home. This meeting should be taken seriously. Telling a teenage child that seeing their friends will happen once they are settled in will only increase their anxiety. Set a date and fix travel arrangements
Remain in Control
When moving, children, in particular the younger ones, are likely to behave in uncompromising ways. Tantrums, tears and even bed wetting can all be a result of the stress. Try to remember this is more than likely just a phase. Be patient and they will soon be back to their old selves.
Let the Kids be the Interior Designers
One of the easiest ways of getting the kids comfortable in their new bedroom is to get them involved in how it will look. Let them choose the colour, features and furniture for the room. Making sure it is what they like and have helped design it is a sure way to make them feel happy from the first night they spend there.
School’s Out!
Summer is the most popular time to move with children as their schooling is not disrupted and they are less stressed and tired. Remember, this is also the best time to enlist them into a club if you need room for packing and organising.
Moving is an exciting time, but take the time out to ensure every member of the family is sharing in that excitement. By following these steps, parents and, more importantly, their children can start life in their new home in a happy frame of mind after a successful and stress-free move.
rance should a claim need to be made.